New Era of Technology

Why is it that we use a Facebook status to tell our "friends" how we feel? Now if it wasn't for Facebook who would we have talked too? Why should the WWW know everything. We use this social networking site to hurt feelings, be shallow, and scary. We use it as a cope out from showing or expressing our true feelings. We use it to hide behind the real insecurites and use facebook as an outlet to let things out instead of either working it out face to face or just letting it go. We have let facebook come between relationships friendships and some our morals and standards have been question. We have let this new era of technology take over the way communicate. Back in the day, typing on a computer was just like reading a book. Nobody wanted to take a computer class and learn how to type. Now people would rather send an instant message instead of just calling. Have we really gotten so comfortable with this use of technology that we have forgotten out people skills? We have...