
Showing posts from March, 2012

Unemployment rate at record high

 The unemployment rate in the United States is at a record high from previous years. It has sustained a rate of 8.3 percent over the past year quoted by Trading Economics . The unemployment rate was the highest in 1982 with a percent of 10.8. Even with a high unemployment rate, the economy was able to add an additional 227,000 jobs to the market quotes the U.S. Department of Labor in a recent press release. (Updated news report since original publication of article.) The news of the additional jobs sparked interest of many job seekers and enthusiast. In an article written by Shaila Dewan from the The New York Times , questions whether the improvement in the job sector can accelerate significantly enough to drive down the unemployment rate. President Obama has stated that more companies were bringing back manufacturing jobs to the United States as quoted by Dewan’s article. In the two charts below taken from data from the press release, breaks downs the unemployment by race and ...

Do you know about Lupus?

Lupus Awareness Campaign I was introduced to Lupus through a high school friend when her sister was diagnosed in 2006. I had not heard of the disease before then and was unsure of what exactly it was. I did not know how many people this disease affected and how it affected the body of people of all ages, race and gender. My friend of 10 years, Musetta Reedy allowed me to ask her questions about Lupus and the impact it had on her life. Musetta Reedy, 24, lead teacher at Head Start school, is very familiar with Lupus as it has effected her family over the years. “My sister, Kalaya Reedy became very ill. She told us that she had a disease called Lupus. My family and I had never heard of it until she sat us down and explained the things that were going on in her body,” says Reedy. Using the Internet as a tool for conducting research, the Reedy family wanted to become more knowledgeable so they could become a strong support system for Kalaya as she fought against Lupus. Lupus is a ...

Quarter Century Club

Whooooooooo HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Turning 25... If only you could see my face as I write this. Anywho, when I was younger I wrote a letter to my 21 year old self about all the things I wanted and should have done by that age. I read it and only had 1 thing completed, which was college. Yea I never wrote another letter to myself after that. "Life is what you make it." "Live life to the fullest." " You only live once - N**** YOLO is the motto."  "Life is grand." "Be happy." All the cliches about life that I can remember. But the only cliche that fits my life perfect is "LIFE IS A BOX OF CHOCOLATES, YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU GOING TO GET." The following phrase should be "Now what you going to do? Are you going to bite each one until you find the one you like and stick with it or put back the bitten off ones that have been given?" For me the answer is and has always been "I don't know." ...