
Letter to Sweet Pea

My dear sweet pea  I’m so sorry I neglected you  I’m sorry  I was so scared of you and for you  I was nervous  I was shocked  Please forgive me as I was unsure of the life I could provide you  Your spirit lives on with me and I pray we meet again 

Wrong Person

Took a trip Vegas with my mom and I was looking at other couples like: Awwww,  I wanna go on a couples trip to Vegas -not remembering that I went on, not only one but two couples trips and the recent one being only 6 months ago.  Break ups are hard. Right?  It’s like especially the longer you have been with someone. Realizing and needing to understand that people literally come into our lives for reasons and seasons.  He’s always been around. Been stuck in the back pocket - but so have I. I allowed myself to constantly be accessible as well. However, I knew this was last time though. This was the final straw. I’m not the type to have male friends like that, especially at this point in my life. And this one, we dated in the past for some reason always kept in touch; things always ended nicely, so he remained a constant what if.  Well the final time came along but unfortunately it still wasn’t right. And I knew it. I knew it wasn’t right but I had SOMETHING to prove. To myself, and who I

Bucket List

This is my Bucket List.  It is not completed but these are my top items. I will probably have at least 30 by the time I finish and cross off as I go! 1. Travel the 50 states *Stars marked the places I have been.                Add: Hawaii, New Mexico, North Dakota, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut   2 . Buy a new home 3. Receive a Master's in Communication Studying New Media Journalism at Full Sail University!                                                    4. Work for a children's book publishing company 5. Attend a beach wedding ceremony 6. Be fluent in Spanish 7. Visit 7 Wonders of the World Great Pyramid of Giza ,  Colossus of Rhodes Hanging Gardens of Babylon , in   Babylon Lighthouse of Alexandria Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Statue of Zeus at Olympia Temple of Artemis   at   Ephesus ,  8. Have dinner with David Oliver (or just meet him) 9. Have dinner in the Eiffel Tower, visited it but want to eat i

Hiatus Up

 Soooooooo....  The Hiatus is up. The writing is back. I am getting back to me from years ago. I never thought I would go through this type of journey but I realized the hold up was very simple. Me; and a laptop. My Macbook is soooo old and needed to be updated and I didn't want to use my work laptop to blog so.... I went to Best Buy, purchased the least inexpensive laptop and I feel revived!! I have so much to share! So much to type and so much to express; just so much. These last couple of months, hell years have been extremely crazy! The world shut down. We went through a pandemic. People lost lives, jobs, everything but as life teaches us, it must go on.  I am ready to share.  THE GOOD and the BAD and UGLY  Whew - enjoy these pieces 

Retired educator speaks on integration

Originally posted on April 15, 2012 Being a teacher was an honor and one of the most respectable career paths that anyone could choose. Henry Clay Garner, retired educator, integrated the Clayton County Public Schools system and has made a positive impact on students while being an educator. Currently, at the age of 87, he reflects on the memories of growing up on the farm to moving to the big city and changing lives. Henry Clay Garner was born in Waycross, Ga., June 17 1924, along with two older brothers and four sisters; George (deceased), Filmore (deceased), Dora (deceased), (himself), Lois (deceased 2018), Vera (deceased) and Evelyn (deceased) (listed from oldest to youngest). Growing up on the farm in a one-story, wooden frame house, with three bedrooms, Garner had to share his room with his two older brothers as well as depend of them for helping out in the field. Having a childhood memory of hunting, fishing, rambling through the woods and walking along the railroad track



