Bucket List

This is my Bucket List.  It is not completed but these are my top items. I will probably have at least 30 by the time I finish and cross off as I go!

1. Travel the 50 states
*Stars marked the places I have been. 
Add: Hawaii, New Mexico, North Dakota, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut  
2. Buy a new home

3. Receive a Master's in Communication
Studying New Media Journalism at Full Sail University!
4. Work for a children's book publishing company

5. Attend a beach wedding ceremony

6. Be fluent in Spanish

7. Visit 7 Wonders of the World
Great Pyramid of Giza
Colossus of Rhodes
Hanging Gardens of Babylon, in Babylon
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

8. Have dinner with David Oliver (or just meet him)

9. Have dinner in the Eiffel Tower, visited it but want to eat in it

10. Write for a magazine

11. Become a college professor

12. Visit Paris, Spain and Australia

13. Ride in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon (or just ride in one in general)

14. See Beyonce live in concert!

15. Purchase an authentic Louis Vuitton bag 
and YSL bag

16. Attend an Alvin Ailey production.

17.Go on a mission trip to Bahamas

18. Take a sabbatical and visit other countries to do self reflection and take a break from work 

19. Have a wedding, and build a family  

*Original post date 5/11/2011


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