
I feel like ish....
I feel like crying...
I want a tear to fall
Down my cheek and off my chin
And maybe just maybe
It will land on something strong enough to handle it
You wanna know what all is in my tears?
Backed up emotions that were never let out
Old memories from times that have past
The hate and anger from a couple months of never letting go
The broken heart that hasn't been put back together
The body that will never be the same
The ringing in the ears from all the shit you said
The bruised fists from all the brick walls
Times when I thought it couldn't get any worse and then it did
Lonely nights just wishing I had an ear or just a shoulder or an arm...
Memories of the good, the bad and the what was I thinking
All of this is in MY tears...
I've cried so much that it hurts to cry
My tears are tearing through my lids
Burning to get out
Of the eyes that have seen heartache
Even when they are shut
Then the dreams come alive...
Tears flowing down the river of my face
Falling into whatever place that can secrete back into my skin to do it all over again
Seems like the only safety net because
Nothing is strong enough to handle
My Tears....


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