Lost my Muse

A guiding spirit.
b. A source of inspiration.

I lost my muse to write.
I pick up a pen
Open the notebook
Ideas there but the words and thought just don't flow....
Thoughts sound stupid
Words seem simple
Ideas seem pointless
Like what's the point of writing.
I want to make a difference.
I want to change the world
They way people think.
People are so closed minded that they miss out on friendships and all!
I want to matter
leave a legacy
Leave a memory
So that at my funeral people will have so much to say
I listen to crazy music.
You see me and wouldn't think that I love Travis Porter!
ANd then later Vivian Green
And actually I met a guy who loved the same songs as me....
But that didn't mean nothing...
I lost my muse to write.
I don't write articles...
I hardly write blogs...
But my mind goes 100 mph
I want to learn how to put my feelings down on paper so others can understand
I want to make a difference.
I want to use my creativity
I want
I want
I want
I want to get my muse back...


  1. aahhhh and yet again you speak the feelings of my heart...in soo many words. Though I still write my thoughts that don't seem to matter, I don't get that same feeling of inspiration as often..well really not at all. All the more reason why I love you!


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