
I never write about Black History Month nor do I ever write about black people in general but something has urged me to do so.
As I sit in the living room and watch The Proposal with white actress Sandra Bullock and other white actors, no starring black roles; my mother sits in her room and watches The Lena Baker Story: the movie. Ever since I was younger, I never wanted to watch movies about Civil Rights or movies about slaves and such. Why? For the fear that I will grow up and hate whites; which I don't however, I have found myself often wondering and asking myself: Who the hell told them (whites) they were so great? Who the hell told them to treat Blacks like dirt and have no respect for us? Who they hell told them that they superior to all mankind? Who? And now the question is When? When will black people and other people of color realize their worth and value?
I could sit down and watch Roots, and go in the room to watch the Lena Baker movie but all it will do is cause me to look side ways to all whites. I hate to say it but it is true.
I just can't believe the things they did to our ancestors. They captured them from their land, stripped them of clothing, crammed them in a boat, sold them for pennies to work in the field in the hot blistering sun. The white men raped, battered and tortured our women and kids and yet our black men flock to have a white women on their arm!!!!!!!! What about our black women who have been through it all? Why hundreds years later you continue to rape, batter, torture, abuse and take advantage of our black women? Who just so happened to be the STRONGEST in the world!!!! Don't get it twisted confused or even question it because they are. Black women take abuse from men in all races and why is that?
It is 2010 and we have President Barack Obama a black man. Not Michael Jackson, a black man who bleached his skin to look white (Yeah I know he has a skin disease but he bleached his skin to look white- Truth be told) Not Reggie Bush parading around with the white girl with a huge booty (black feature might I add) running our country. But a black man with a BLACK women by his side holding it down might I add. He may be mixed, but he is still black and embraces and take pride in it.
I'm not saying be racist however, I am saying love the skin you are in! Cherish it, respect it, take pride in it. Being black is beautiful, strong (check our history) and the best race in the world! (Ok I'm being biased but #justsaying) Love and respect black women- you love and respect your momma and your sister?
Black men you can be a lawyer, politician, doctor, engineer anything not just a athlete or a rapper mind you who's careers can be in and out in a blink or an eye, or with a bad knee or bad record... another #justsaying!
Caption: Look where we started and where we are now....
:-) Embrace who you are, as a people. Good Job