A Dream Believer

Deferred of a Dream.
Since I was a little girl, I always imagine how I wanted my life to go.
For instance, if I liked a Lil boy, I would imagine being with him and make up stories
(that I only I knew) about me and him.
But not just with guys, but friends, new schools, new opportunities.
Not being crazy, but just had a vivid imagination. (or only child syndrome)
Anytime my life wasn't going as planned, I, in my mind, created and imagine a new life sometimes for better and sometimes not so better.
Anywho, as I got older, I found myself still imagining a better life,
in my mind and wondering when will it finally come true.
Could it really happen?
Do I really want it to happen?
Hence, I started to think of making my fantasies my reality.
Lately, the things I have imagined for myself were indeed happening,
just not with me or for me.
So I try time after time and so hard to stop forcing or imagining a different life
other than the one that has already been created for me.
But my dreams are saying something else...
You know those live dreams were if you run into a wall, you jump in your sleep...
Or the ones were you dream about someone not close to you but you doing something that only close people do... yea, that.
Or the weird ones that just make you wake up and say... "WHOA!!! I wonder what that meant...?"
Well, lately all of those have been happening to me
But recently, I had this dream...
In college I made a mini magazine for my senior project (my sophmore year... uh hmm.. advanced lol) and I dreamed that the exact magazine was
turned into an actual magazine, with binding and about the size of Vogue.
Now, I had always had a fascination of magazines, every time I went to the grocery store, you could fine me on the magazine isle.
But with the economy the way it is and people being brutally honest about magazines and newspapers going strictly online, my dream was deferred
and I was discouraged or encourage to find another career path.
However, I always imagined, using my vivid imagination of
being the editor of a magazine and owning it and
living the fabulous life that entails of being a successful editor
that everyone adored and wanted to be featured in MY magazine.
My imagination going/went wild.
We all tend to do that when it comes to a big dream.
But for once could my imagination and my dream come together for a
Bright Idea?
If the idea is literally, a visual why not use imagination to further it and make it better so that fantasies do become reality.


  1. Dreams, they do come true if you just believe. Take a leap of faith and do what you must! If you don't, who will? I also think that this post by far is your most inspiring.

    Dominic :)

  2. Thanks Dominic! I reread this entry and I truly believe that as well. I love this for myself! LOL


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