"Institutional Rules!!!!!!"

Here http://www.vibe.com/content/mean-girls-morehouse

Ok so.
I think Morehouse has every right to do this for their students. Notice I said for.
Morehouse has built their legacy; tradition and foundation on making black men become elite in education, responsibility and an overall well being. I commend them for that.
It seems that the men that do graduate from Morehouse thrive and are motivated to succeed. Morehouse honestly couldn't continue this legacy with that type of foolishness on its campus.

For example: Savannah State, one of the oldest public HBCU's in Georgia, established in 1890, has cherished memories on its campus and had built its foundation by black students for black students. The city of Savannah has rich history itself, therefore making SSU having a more significant value. When I entered SSU, I was taught by Dr. Charles Elmore, who I shall never forget and he made sure we knew our SSU and Savannah history before we continued to receive education from that institution. He made sure that we dressed a par, acted justly and took advantage of the education because at one point, our culture was denied the privilege. Dr. Elmore has retired and though some of the Mass Communications professors attempt to keep his legacy, it is not the same on the campus.

SSU attempted to have the dress code for their students, in which of course they fought against and vowed it was against the first amendment blah blah blah. But I personally thought it was a good idea. When I first entered SSU, the upperclassmen gentleman did not sag their pants, nor did they wear baseball caps. They looked very professional and I was inspired. The ladies didn’t wear tight clothing nor did they expose their bodies, around campus and to class. Yea, there were the hoodie and sweatpants wearing few, but the majority was always in business casual or decent clothing. Now, currently the sagging of the pants and the hat wearing inside the building has become a nuisance on campus and has devalued the campus. The ladies wore clothes to class as if they were going to the club and it is a distraction. I was happy the dress code came about.

The landscape and the buildings are not the only aesthetics of a campus but the students play a major part in it. Many campuses have visitors that contribute lots of money to their institution and one thing they look at first are the students. We know this. Being a HBCU doesn’t make it easier for people to give money. As Benjamin Mays said in a Tuesday chapel service at Morehouse “People aren’t going to give you anything just because you are black.” Which we know is true. So therefore, we have to work just as hard to impress the kind contributors.
If they took a walk around campus and see men dressed as females, females dressed as strippers, and males dressed as thugs- well that a long writes badly. So just imagine how it makes a college campus, a place of higher education, a professional institute look? Not worthy of a dime. We have to understand, the purpose of going to college is to get an education, become more professional and is a preparation for a professional setting. There is a place and time to express the freedom of dress/fashion and for the time being the HBCU college setting is not the place. If you disagree, then pay your money elsewhere. Nobody is forcing you go there. Point and simple.

Morehouse is correct to enforce the dress code. I see nothing wrong with it.
I understand how everyone has a freedom to wear whatever they want, but Morehouse is simply saying “Not on this campus.”

Once you start accepting these things, then it becomes something else. It becomes a distraction and the students are more concerned with what they wearing and who is wearing what than preparing for the class. Trust. I have seen it happen on SSU campus. It becomes a fashion show and of who’s wearing what more than who is succeeding in class.

At SSU, Wednesday’s have become Dress for Success started by two non Greek organizations that promote business and professional growth for students: Sisters Striving for Excellence and Achievers of Today and Tomorrow. Walking on campus seeing all the students in suits, makes the campus look very nice and professional.


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