Just Stop

Stop being that considerate person
The happy go lucky person
The one people love to take advantage of
Or make the butt of every joke
The one that is cute and only cute
The one that sits back and waits for things to happen.
The one that allows others to run and pushed over them
Just stop settling for less
And allowing yourself to be made a fool of
Stop trying to see things for what they aren't
Just stop.
In order for you to do better.
You know these things, yet you still find yourself continuing to fall back into old habits.
The same arms that held you last night are the same arms that are hosting the fingers that can't call you the today.
Stop expecting things from the people who have no intentions on making it happen.
Stop saying you are going to change and you still doing the same stuff.
Stop talking in circles and out the side of your neck.
Just stop.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and just move on.
Stop allowing others to control your happiness
Just stop!


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