If you ask me what was so special about the year 2010, I just might burst into Tears.
I learned so much about..... myself
I discovered emotions and feelings that I knew I had, but had to learn how to express them.
I learned the Art of Forgiveness


Is all I can say.
It has been my first year out of college and I have experienced a new life. Beginning my Post Grad Life and then now living it. I can honestly say, its time for me to make some serious moves. 2010 flew by but it didn't stop without shitting on me. I can definitely say that I had no idea what was in store this year and I have matured and grew so much through little life's lessons. I have found like, and lost friends, gain new friends, and rekindled old friendships all while learning to be Patient. I guess its all about living...

I had to learn how not to look at what others have. Whether it is money, love, relationships, friendships, whatever it was, I needed not to compare myself to them. Because we are different people, living different lives. I learned that I had to forgive and move on and not compare in order to live the life that was planned for me. I had to learn how to love myself, that had been taken away from me in countless, sleepless nights. The confidence instilled in me that I never had, blossomed just as I had to. Once, I did all that, everything fell in to place.

I also came to the conclusion that I cannot have everything I want, WHEN I want it. It will come in due time. I have always been told, that if you want something, you have to go after it. True. But once the initial step is made on my end, and it isn't quite following through like I want it, I have to just believe that it will happen, if's it meant to be.

I learned a lot about LOVE and that especially with Love, you can't hold back or play games. It something that just happens. When you start holding back and putting boundaries on it, it fails and stays couped up and never blossoms into it's full potential. Who wants to be in a conditional, under these terms and contracts love? No one. Only those who are scared and run away from it. Heartbreaks may happen but, as long as it not a heart attack- you will be just fine.

As far as 2011 goes, BRING IT ON!!! I read somewhere, don't make new years resolutions because you can make those same changes throughout the year. True, but lately I have been saying "A lot can happen between now and March"- hint my 24th bday; I have no idea why but God's is telling me something.

    Faith-stronger    Confidence-stronger    Goals-achieveable    Love-attainable
Sayonara 2010!!!
Hello to a new me in 2011


  1. Definitely a good 2010 wrap up! Keep up the self realization! Life only gets better when we don't let things steps in between our goals hinder our progress.


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