Iconic Beauties

As a child of color, we are often looked down and frowned upon and not accepted. It can be hard to look in the mirror and accept your dark skin.Your nappy hair, your dark brown eyes, your round nose and full lips especially when the lighter or closer to white skin and features are more acceptive in society. When are we going to understand and accept that being black is beautiful?

Willie Lynch Letter: The Making of a Slave. Yes. I went there. If you want to and have the guts (in which you probably won't have the guts) but you can read it by clicking on the link. I'm not going to break it down but I will say it is a shame that this is still going on in 2011. That what he said has been instilled in the little, weak minds of black people and yet continues to do this too each other- knowingly and unknowingly.

It's February, The historic Black History Month and do we feel more empowered and compelled to celebrate now because Barack Obama is the 1st African American President of the United States? But we've been black all of our life...

Awhile back like in September, MSN listed it's version of Iconic beauties. (The link is an easier version to read than clicking page by page to view each lady.)  After reading MSN version of Iconic Beauties, I noticed something missing.  Of course it was women of color; not just black but of ethnicity. Only Dorthy Dandridge and Halle Berry made this list. Oh if you want to count Cleopatra and Nerfertiti, then go right ahead out of 38 women. WOW!

In this society, where in fact more things go than normal, you would think they would finally accept that beauty is not only white or of lighter skin, but of all races and skin types. This is such a big deal with women of color. We have the lowest self esteem and all because society says that being darker or of another race is not beautiful and it is! Little black girls are growing up and not appreciating themselves, because they are being belittled, not encouraged and disrespected either because she doesn't look like the models in the magazine or just simply the girl sitting next to her. I can remember feeling the same way when I was little. I wasn't told I was pretty or beautiful until I got to high school, but by then it was too late.I permed my hair in elementary school, so that I could stop being teased and now I'm back to my beautiful nappy hair. Even recently on twitter- it was a debate about light skin vs. dark skin... foolishness... I am so tired of girls saying "I don't like being in the sun because I don't want to be blacker. " GTFOH with that foolishness. It is stupid and show's your ignorance- put on sunblock to protect your skin from cancer- how about that!  Anywho- I could go on and on about the stupid things I hear girls say about their skin complexion and it works my nerves...

So I have put together my version of The Real Iconic Beauties of America. Enjoy!
It is comprised of actresses, singers, presidents, model, editors, moms, grandmas, best friends- beautiful women.
Can you name all of them?


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