I declare... CELIBACY!!!!

LOL!!!! 1st of all.
Ok. Now that I got that chuckle out of the way. This is just a rant entry using sex as the topic.  Interesting

I read a FB status today (like just now) that read:
"It's June I'm taking a vow no more sex or sexual activity for 6 months I'm celibate till 2012!"
Let that be the subject.

Dissecting this status starting with the word Vow (n) : means an earnest promise to perform a specified act or behave in a certain manner, especially a solemn promise to live and act in accordance with the rules of a religious order. The Free Dictionary

Next word: Celibacy (n): means abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows. The Free Dictionary

Last statement: TILL 2012- Self explanatory or if need explaining means till the end of the year 2011, in this case temporary or limited time frame. 


I read this and immediately chuckled and reflected on my own life and the no sexual intercourse option/decision that I made in January of 2010. How I didn't declare celibacy but simply decided to not have sex. I have heard many friends talk about their temporary celibacy phase and how it didn't last and how it was hard to do; which it can be especially if you decide to go cold turkey. Using the above status and I'm sure that we all have made this declaration, let's ask how did it come about? Did we just say it because of a bad experience? Out of anger? Trying something new? hmmm... 

My grandmother said something to me that has been sticking to my heart and mind ever since. For Lent, I gave up bread. Yep. It was very hard and on that last Sunday when I was able to eat bread, I ate all of it. My mom made the comment that she was surprised that I was able to even eat bread and enjoy it and that she was surprised that I missed eating bread! Uh yeah mom- it's bread! But then my grandma said "that's because she didn't fast with her heart- she was just doing it to be doing it." Awww shucks! Guess I'm guilty. 

How many can honestly say that when they make a declaration (not saying this particular one) that  it was with  your heart? Notice when something is done earnestly and genuinely, it feels better than a forced "sounds good thought" or action.   When you decide to do something in your mind but not in your heart, you are lying to yourself. A major epiphany, aha moment or experience has to happen for you to truly give that particular item/action up and be true to it. Not saying that the person who wrote the status isn't saying it from their heart and who knows, for them it may last longer than 2012- I just find it ironic to put a time frame to that type of commitment. Notice the person didn't say til they were married but until 2012 ( and for those who say how you know they not getting married- I'm not saying that they won't but I'm analyzing the current status and chill out!)  

This blog entry entitled Romance with Wolves: One guy gives honest relationship advice about sex and dating was circulating on Twitter a few weeks back, had a lot of people, male and female in an uproar. This entry sums up why he discontinued having sex and what he thinks is the correct way to having a healthy relationship not only with someone else but with himself and God. Some things I agree to and others I was like nawl buddy you on your own with that one- but an important fact that he talks about is the void that sex may not be filling and the emptiness that one may feel afterwards. Not saying everyone should go on sex strike or declare celibacy but if you ever felt like you were missing something or it's not adding up with the opposite sex yet, you constantly give and/or get, maybe making a declaration of a sacrifice will help you to evaluate things won't be so bad. Some may look and say nawl man I need to get it- but do you really?

Just a suggestion. 


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