I appreciate you
Thanks for the good times- smiles and the bad times- tears
I really do appreciate them for they have made me that woman that I am today
Thanks for allowing me to see how much of a coward you really are
I really do appreciate you showing me that quality now rather than later
Thanks for showing me the gentlemen that you can be
Thanks for showing me the gentlemen that you can be
and to the other 3 girls that you so called "love"
I really appreciate you telling me that which made it clear how selfish I really am
Every woman wants to feel special and thanks for showing me how that feels,
however, you messed up because it is not meant to be shared.
Thanks for trusting me with your secrets and flaws and showing me how unacceptable you are of mine
I really appreciate that because now I know you simply weren't ready for me.
I can thank you for a lot more things but most importantly,
Thank you for showing me, you aren't the 1
I saved myself from a whirlwind of headaches, amusement park emotions, tsunamis and all that in between Simply because YOU, are unstable.
Thank you for showing me, you aren't the 1
I saved myself from a whirlwind of headaches, amusement park emotions, tsunamis and all that in between Simply because YOU, are unstable.
Thanks for the memories
That's all they will ever be,
Sweet memories
Of you and me
*waves goodbye
That's all they will ever be,
Sweet memories
Of you and me
*waves goodbye
But wait before you go
All that glitters, aint gold....
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