Susan G. Komen vs. Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood mission is to provide health care services and educational programs, to advocate and promote research to individuals that are wanting to live a healthier life as stated on the Planned Parenthood website. It is known for their clinical services that include but not limited to; sexual health classes, breast cancer screenings, abortions and funding research for birth control. It’s primary focus is to be a provider and deliver health education to millions of young people around the world. So why would Susan G. Komen for the Cure want to pull it’s services from health facilities if they share the common goal? This question was asked immediately after the announcement was made by the foundation on Associated Press that they had decided to not to renew its partnership with the facilities. This came to a shock for some and an understanding for others.

Funding for the majority of the breast cancer screenings that were held at Planned Parenthood came from Komen for the Cure to make up a 4% of total exams equaling around 170,000 screenings as reported by
After the announcement was made, an out roar of messages from supporters through the media took to social media to express their outrage and disappointment. This caused Planned Parenthood to make drastic decisions to show how much support they had behind them. When the announcement was made that funds were going to be pulled, Planned Parenthood had a list of supporters and donors who gathered up their funds to raise $400,00 from 4,000 donors as reported by
Komen for the Cure has supporters nation wide and some say that it may be hard for them to forgive the foundation for it’s initial decision of not wanting to renew it’s funds for breast cancer screenings.

Alyce Lee-Walker, a native of North Carolina and Komen supporter was extremely outraged when she heard of the announcement and took action immediately. She removed the pink ribbon stickers that signify breast cancer of the Komen for the cure from her car and office to show how passionate she was about the decision that Komen for the Cure has made, states the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Ernestine Mattox, a registered nurse at Piedmont Hospital and advocate and supporter of Komen for the Cure is really disappointed in the initial announcement.

 “They really let down the breast cancer community with their initial decision to pull it’s funding. It is a large community and she really had a lot of supporters.” says Mattox. “I think they really should have weighed the odds first in making such a political decision like that,” Mattox continues. As a nurse at Piedmont Hospital, the thought of the breast cancer screenings being pulled from the Planned Parenthood clinics, would not affect the the screenings at the hospital. “Piedmont would have most likely continued to do what it had been doing for breast cancer prevention and awareness”, says Mattox.

Even though the decision was reversed, will Komen supporters be able to forget the initial thought of the foundation not wanting to continue their funding? How will this affect future funding for both the foundation and organization?


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