
It took me 25 years to get to the place where I am at and I was going to let 1 person change me in a couple of months. They were trying their best to tear me down, within my confidence, courage and strength and if I wasn’t careful they would have succeeded. Crazy huh? The thing is I knew this! Yep. I knew what they were doing but I didn’t want to let them go nor did I have the courage to say so – besides the couple of times that I would bring to their attention that I didn’t like something they were doing – but the point is I STAYED AROUND. I let them bring me down. Why? Fear of losing something that I thought was great which in turn ended up being toxic to me. They were a monster disguised in a suit. A uniform. A pair of jeans. And it took one simple event to make a complete difference in my life for my eyes to open. Don’t get me wrong, my eyes were open before but my vision was cloudy, fuzzy... no really it was. It wasn’t clear until I read the Courage to be Yourself...