My Father

If you look into my eyes can you read my story?
Can you feel my pain?
Can you see my true happiness?
I'm not perfect I have plenty of flaws.
Wanting to be accepted and not judged for a past that was out of my
control is quite unfair.
I can't help the way the cookie crumbled.
Or which end of the stick I got.

Life just happened.

Broken hearted.

Hurt feelings.

The pain may reappear every now and then and sting, hurt
like hell but for me to still say it's ok at the end takes a lot of
strength a weak man will never understand.
Only a strong minded man will be there for me and say "It's ok. I won't leave. I'm here to stay."

And that is you.

My God.

Thank you for always being there.

For hearing my cry. Wiping my eyes and saying "My child it will be ok."

Thank you God, my Father which art in Heaven.

For continuously watching over me and setting the example for me.

 Your unconditional love and overflowing of blessings.

For the strength to keep going when I felt broken.

I thank you for this beautiful journey 

And I love you 

- Your child


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