Being Greek? What does it mean?

Side note: I battled back and forth with the title of this because I read something that quite disturbed me. It was about a death of a person wanting to be a member of an organization. I also was reading via twitter all the call outs and just unnecessary drama about being greek and had enough. So I battled, however, this battle could last for years. So I posted it and now I'm done with it.)

Since I have graduated from SSU (Savannah State University, to be later called Swag State University), I can now look back on things and realize that what I thought mattered doesn't matter anymore; matter of fact, it doesn't matter at all. So let me start at the beginning.

Since I was nine years old, I had an idea of wanting to "pledge" and knew exactly what sorority it was going to be. (How many of you can say that? No honestly. Exactly) However, as I got older the thought often drifted or was none the less just mentioned here and there. I never was the one to "brown nose" or "suck up" to get what I wanted and also kept things "discreet". When I began my collegiate life, I was reminded of this "dream" of becoming a woman of ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA. Little did I know the life I was soon getting myself in too. (Note: I feel as if I can speak freely because 1. This is my blog. 2. Who is going to stop me or say something to me? and..... 3. I'M OVER IT!)

Let me say this first. I never heard of the term "paper" until I became an AKA. First off. I didn't understand it, I was confused at the term and I just knew none of the more "experienced" greeks knew what they were talking about with the current AKA process. Therefore, I brushed it off when I was told that it was going to be 73 girls, I ignored being told that our process was only 3 days and that we weren't going to know each other. I just knew they were lies but I didn't know it was going to be like it was.

Let me enlighten my readers for a second. As reported by CNN in 2002, Alpha Kappa Alpha was sued for $100 million dollars in a hazing incident that caused the death of two women. However, speculations still are in place because of missing information and of course the "I don't know what happened" witnesses i.e. "prophytes" and "future linesisters". Now, being that these two women were not official members of the sorority, AKA was not taking claim for the death, however the family was making sure that the media and world knew that their daughter was taking part in hazing that resulted in their daughters death. That being said, AKA was put on hold, inactive, all across the nation, meaning no intakes which means no money for the CORPORATION. Remember, the little word, Incorporation behind the Divine 9 equals business, and for a business to thrive it needs moolah! So there you are. But I'm sure you heard that before.

Now, taking all that into context, hazing = being bruised, battered, harassed, embarrassed, mistreated, humiliated, hospitalized and the main problem dying; is it really worth it all? And some people go through that all don't even get the letters!
Now, I have come to the conclusion that most college students think they are invincible and things like car accidents, getting an STD and oh yeah death doesn't happen to them. But it does!

So relating all of this to greek life, I am so sick and tired of students and other greeks worried about who is paper and who is pledged! I mean really. At the end of the day, we all are supposed to stick together and be as one. We often find ourselves in the modern day "beef" and say it's all fun and games. But who are we really amusing? Ourselves, spectators or our founders?


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