This is my Bucket List. It is not completed but these are my top items. I will probably have at least 30 by the time I finish and cross off as I go! 1. Travel the 50 states *Stars marked the places I have been. Add: Hawaii, New Mexico, North Dakota, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut 2 . Buy a new home 3. Receive a Master's in Communication Studying New Media Journalism at Full Sail University! 4. Work for a children's book publishing company 5. Attend a beach wedding ceremony 6. Be fluent in Spanish 7. Visit 7 Wonders of the World Great Pyramid of Giza , Colossus of Rhodes Hanging Gardens of Babylon , in Babylon Lighthouse of Alexandria Mausol...
Deferred of a Dream. Since I was a little girl, I always imagine how I wanted my life to go. For instance, if I liked a Lil boy, I would imagine being with him and make up stories ( that I only I knew) about me and him. But not just with guys, but friends, new schools, new opportunities. Not being crazy, but just had a vivid imagination. ( or only child syndrome ) Anytime my life wasn't going as planned, I, in my mind, created and imagine a new life sometimes for better and sometimes not so better. Anywho, as I got older, I found myself still imagining a better life, in my mind and wondering when will it finally come true. Could it really happen? Do I really want it to happen? Hence, I started to think of making my fantasies my reality. Lately, the things I have imagined for myself were indeed happening, just not with me or for me. So I try time after time and so hard to stop forcing or imagining a different life other than the one that has already been created for me. But my drea...
Feeling empty inside. It's like I don't know what to feel. I am dedicating this entry to the 2 people who have hurt me the most over the past weeks: Mike & Mic Friendship and relationships. If you knew in the future that one decision would change your life or another person's life forever, would you stop and double think on it's worth? Your brief and subtle moments of pure bliss and happiness, is it worth it? I like to think that I was put back into her life so she could me him. Just call me Cupid I would like to know if it is meant to be between them, why did it hurt me so bad? Why do I feel worthless? And alone? Why has it thrown my life upside down and around? Every night I ask God, what is the lesson behind this emotional hurt because I don't see anything coming from it. Him? Mike? I could care 2 fcuks about him "Typical Nigha." As I always thought and thus was proven Her? Mic? Yea that hurt. See ... I. Deniscia... Value a friendship- old or new. I...
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