i know i am not perfect and i have sinned in the past and most likely will continue to be sinner in some ways but i am better than i was before i am wiser than i was before and i will continue to grow in His hands and be molded into the woman that He wants me to be continue to live the life that He has planned for me "So that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him in the next." -Deniscia
Showing posts from July, 2011
A 30 day thing:in 1 post
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Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts. 1. I have a sudden fascination with big rings and hair 2. I just learned how to put eyeliner on my bottom lid 3. When I paint my nails it looks like I may have went to the nail salon 4. I do my best thinking in the bathroom (take that how you want) 5. I have a vivid imagination 6. I dream in color and feel the actions (and remember some of them) 7. I talk to myself when I am alone 8. I have naptural hair (and a fear of dying it) 9. I love romantic, love movies 10. I can watch a movie over and over for weeks Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest. Me and my best friend Ash Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show. Day 04- A picture of your night Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory. My first L.O.V.E fashion show @ SSU Day 06 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been. New York C...
West Coast .....
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My San Diego Experience... A flower patch in front of a friends house To sum it up, I was in love with the scenery. So no face shots in this entry, sorry. I had never seen such a beautiful place. The mountains, the desert like forest that surrounds the streets and highways. The cool breeze with the glaring sun that gives you goosebumps and warmth at the same time. The lost mountains that can be found in someone's back yard. The foreign signs that can't be read but are needed for directions. The unfamiliar faces with strange accents that filled my ears. The hotel that had a view that was breath taking leaving a lifeless feeling of being on top of the world. The highway that is really a raceway with the lavish, regular and not so so regular cars. The unique flowers that flooded the sidewalks. The outdoor breakfast place and the fancy cars that were using the streets as their runway. The people I was with and met added the flavor and seasoning to my experience. I could...
July 7
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I woke up with a heavy heart Mind Soul I went to to sleep with pains in my stomach and heart Nothing and no one is who they appear to be. Too much is going on... I just want to crawl up in a cave and sleep till next spring. Maybe things would be different and I will be sane Maybe then I will be able to smile again. Maybe then I will be able to understand That every occurrence-happens for a reason, every person - has their season And that no one is perfect. I thank God that he saved me from all that mess.