West Coast .....

My San Diego Experience...

A flower patch in front of a friends house

To sum it up, I was in love with the scenery. So no face shots in this entry, sorry. I had never seen such a beautiful place. The mountains, the desert like forest that surrounds the streets and highways. The cool breeze with the glaring sun that gives you goosebumps and warmth at the same time. The lost mountains that can be found in someone's back yard. The foreign signs that can't be read but are needed for directions. The unfamiliar faces with strange accents that filled my ears. The hotel that had a view that was breath taking leaving a lifeless feeling of being on top of the world. The highway that is really a raceway with the lavish, regular and not so so regular cars. The unique flowers that flooded the sidewalks. The outdoor breakfast place and the fancy cars that were using the streets as their runway.  The people I was with and met added the flavor and seasoning to my experience. I could not have had a better time. California is beautiful.

The experience I had was great and if I could do it all over again I would jump and shout at the opportunity. Waking up @ 7 a.m. I mean wide awake 0_0 will always be funny to me. The places I went, though seem familiar, technically weren't. I look forward to visiting this place again, probably on my own therefore, I can experience what I really want to see in the great Cali!
Random Shot at the one of the beaches in San Diego

The clouds from the sky between Georgia and Texas

Arizona Mountains

Arizona Mountains again- so beautiful

My backyard for the weekend

The front yard to one my friends house. 


  1. Lovely pics...It almost makes me feel like I'm there...

  2. Good! That's the feeling I was aiming for.

  3. I love your pics. San Diego is my home away from home.

  4. Yay! I want to go back and take more.

    P.S. I didn't know that about you!


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