
Showing posts from August, 2011

On this day in 2009

Facebook has this new ( app ) that shows you what you wrote as your status a year or two ago and up popped this post: As I reread the status, I was taken back to try to remember exactly, where I was in that year ( SSU ) and who/what may have sparked that feeling ( null- I honestly can't remember ) and whatever it was couldn't possibly top the way I feel now. I am starting to think this status was written then, for me to read now. Two years have passed and I am feeling what that status says ( I guess again? ) but this time not as a sad, "whoa is me" kind of way but a pumped up feeling- like I have to do better and want better and truly LISTEN to the ending which says "This to shall pass." Having that mindset can only bring me JOY & HAPPINESS


stimulate me mentally  challenge me emotionally tickle my fancy feed my love quench my passion build my faith love me dearly is that too much to ask? I didn't think so

Someone like you

I was introduced to Adele back in college around my Junior year to be exact with her song... " Chasing Pavement ." We would sing that song over and over in the car, not sure if it was to each other but we were in sync. Years later when we were no longer in sync, I tried to wipe Adele out of my mind along with the sing along's that we had. But now she is back and I never felt so connected to her lyrics like I do now. It is as if, she is in my brain, feeling my emotions, taking the thoughts out of my soul and applying them to music and singing them with the exact emotion that I would. I never thought or could imagine that the one who introduced me would be the one I dedicate this too... Before I knew the words (because I never know the words to songs ) I thought she said something else, but either version, mine or hers, the words still bring meaning and understanding to my heart and soul. "Nevermind, I'll find someone like  better than you...." ...

Thinking about you

Don't you hate it when you think about a person like every blue moon, which happens to be like every other moment and then you begin to hate that you thinking about them? lol... Or like you wish over and over that you can just beat their name out of your head? *picturing the name falling out of the ears AHHHHH Yes! It's gone! Not! Then the good memories of them making you laugh and smile start rolling in... 'Uh ohhh But then you suddenly get hit by reality that there is a reason why you missing them And the thoughts start flooding in convincing you that you are wasting your time and you could be thinking about something or someone else better worth it? "Oh yea.... But then you put your head down (don't really know what that does but something always come from it) And hear that 1 song.... Or reminisce on that 1 particular time And when you look back up at reality You are smiling again... Now what does that all that mean? Is this temporary happiness? ...

I appreciate you

Thanks for the good times- smiles and the bad times- tears I really do appreciate them for they have made me that woman that I am today Thanks for allowing me to see how much of a coward you really are I really do appreciate you showing me that quality now rather than later Thanks for showing me the gentlemen that you can be  and to the other 3 girls that you so called "love" I really appreciate you telling me that which made it clear how selfish I really am Every woman wants to feel special and thanks for showing me how that feels, however, you messed up because it is not meant to be shared. Thanks for trusting me with your secrets and flaws and showing me how unacceptable you are of mine I really appreciate that because now I know you simply weren't ready for me.  I can thank you for a lot more things but most importantly, Thank you for showing me, you aren't the 1 I saved myself from a whirlwind of headaches, amusement park emotions, tsunamis and all that...