Thinking about you

Don't you hate it when you think about a person like every blue moon, which happens to be like every other moment and then you begin to hate that you thinking about them?
Or like you wish over and over that you can just beat their name out of your head?
*picturing the name falling out of the ears
AHHHHH Yes! It's gone!
Then the good memories of them making you laugh and smile start rolling in...
'Uh ohhh
But then you suddenly get hit by reality that there is a reason why you missing them
And the thoughts start flooding in convincing you that you are wasting your time and you could be thinking about something or someone else better worth it?
"Oh yea....
But then you put your head down
(don't really know what that does but something always come from it)
And hear that 1 song.... Or reminisce on that 1 particular time
And when you look back up at reality
You are smiling again...
Now what does that all that mean?
Is this temporary happiness?
          Does that smile really mean something?
Yes it does...
It's the inner happiness that some may feel only for a moment and then the others that are blessed may feel it for a lifetime...



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