Always been a music lover

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I have always considered myself a musician.
My grandma had a piano in her house, and my mom used the side of a shoebox and cut out the keys on the piano to teach me the notes on the keyboard- so cool! And so I started playing the piano, well knew the notes on it when I was probably 6.
I started reading music right around the same time I learned how to read words- it's quite easy!
I started playing the Violin and Viola when I was in third grade
And then joined the band playing the Flute in 4th
And has been hooked on it every since!
Now at the age of 23 going on 24- I have stopped playing my flute; HOWEVER before you start SMHing at me, I play the hand bells at church. I pick up my flute occasionally and I really am going to start back at it. Any who- I have always considered myself a somewhat true musician. I understand it, know the history of it (Music Minor) and love all types: especially classical. Yep bet you weren't expecting that.

OK. So, I'm going to start a new page dedicated to music on my blog (just click on the tab above) and it's going to feature upcoming artist and my favorite songs by famous artists and videos and such! Enjoy!


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